Dangerous Wild Animal Insurance

Cover dangerous wild animals against public liability and escape.

With the right cover in place you can rest easy knowing that our policy has you covered for the what ifs!

What is dangerous wild animal insurance?

Dangerous wild animal insurance is there to safeguard both yourself and the public from the risks associated with owning such distinctive pets. A thorough policy for dangerous wild animals can provide peace of mind, ensuring you are covered for unexpected situations.

Public liability insurance for dangerous wild animals

Our policies offer up to £5 million in public liability coverage, commonly referred to as third-party insurance. It can cover claims for injuries resulting from your pet, or damage to a third party’s property in the event it escapes your property.

Do I need insurance to keep dangerous wild animals?

To legally keep a dangerous wild animal, individuals owning species listed under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976, must secure a license from their local council. Public liability insurance is mandatory as part of the licensing process.

What animals are listed in the Dangerous Wild Animals Act?

Popular owned dangerous wild animals include:

  • Reptiles – including caimans and dwarf crocodiles
  • Snakes – including venomous cobras, vipers and rattlesnakes
  • Spiders and scorpions – including the wandering spider, funnel web spider and recluse spider
  • Large lizards – including the beaded lizard and gila monster
  • Big cats – including servals and caracals
  • Primates – including capuchins and lemurs


The full list of dangerous wild animals can be found on the Government website.

How much is dangerous wild animal insurance?

Each policy is customised to suit your specific needs, so you only pay for the cover that’s essential for you. Whether you are insuring a single pet or a private collection of animals, our policies are designed to provide comprehensive protection. Policies start from just £99 a year.

For more information, read our policy wording.

Call 0345 982 5499 for a quote
Or complete this form and send it to enquiries@brooksbraithwaite.com