Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel my policy at any time?
Yes, but if there are any open or ongoing claims it will affect the claimable period.
How do I cancel my policy?
Complete the online form here or alternatively, give us a call on 0345 982 5499.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payment in full by credit card, debit card and interest free monthly direct debit.
Are you able to cover my own personal dogs or cats?
If you would like to arrange cover for your own pets, please call us on 0345 982 5499.
What notice do I need to give to cancel my policy?
You can cancel your policy at any time by complete the online form here, or calling us on 0345 982 5499.
How long does it take to settle Liability claims?
Due to the complicated nature of liability claims it isn’t possible to provide an estimate of the time-scales involved in settling claims. Each claim requires investigation and the length of time this takes will depend on the details of the case.
What is the difference between ‘Standard’ and ‘Non-Standard’ building construction?
‘Standard’ building construction means buildings where the external building material is non-combustible, e.g. brick, stone, slate, tiles, concrete or metal. Any other construction types will usually be classed as non-standard. If you are unsure which applies to your premises please call us on 0345 982 5499.
What is IPT?
IPT stands for Insurance Premium Tax. It is a UK government tax applied to insurance policies sold in the UK.
I train animals in public places. Will your Public Liability insurance cover this?
We can normally extend your Public Liability cover to this activity, but it is important that you tell our team exactly what your activities are when you discuss your insurance requirements.
Your website says that the Small Business Plan is ‘fixed’ but I am only slightly above the required sum insured value. Can the policy be adjusted?
Unfortunately if the Sums Insured are not adequate, or you have more than one part-time employee or volunteer, this policy will not be suitable. Please take a look at our Boarding Kennels insurance policy as an alternative.
Do you cover mobile grooming businesses?
Yes, we are able to cover both static and mobile grooming businesses.
Do you offer Member to Member Insurance?
Member to Member cover is included in the Public Liability cover under our Dog Clubs and Societies product only.
I am registered for VAT but I am on the flat rate scheme. Can I claim back the VAT on a claim?
Amounts paid in settlement of a claim to a VAT registered business operating the flat rate scheme will be exclusive of any VAT incurred by you because the scheme automatically provides an allowance for such VAT. For further information regarding VAT, the flat rate scheme or general tax enquiries, please contact HM Revenue & Customs or speak to your accountant.